The budget that you set for your project will have a big impact in determining the Pro's that will submit bids for your project. It’s critical to ensure that your budget isn’t set unrealistically low, which will likely result in some of the more experienced Pro’s opting to not submit bids to your project.  

We suggest following the steps outlined below when setting your budget:

  • The first step to setting your budget is doing a bit of research to see what the industry average is for your type of project. A quick Google search will typically turn up various resources that you can refer to.
  • The second step is to consider the unique circumstances of your job, such as the types of materials you’re wanting to use. In most online resources, you’ll find a variety of factors to take into account when determining your budget. Consider those closely. 
  • The last step is to set your budget. While it’s important to make sure it’s realistic, don’t be overly concerned about making sure it’s perfect. Most Pro’s will still bid on your job if it’s within a reasonable ballpark of their bid.