Once you’ve found a project that you want to bid on, open the project details and click on “Submit Bid” to be taken to the bid wizard. You’ll need to complete all required fields in the steps listed on the left-hand side of the page. To navigate between steps, use the “Continue” and “Back” buttons at the bottom of the page.

Below is a breakdown of each step:

  1. Screening - In this step, you’ll submit an explanation on why you’re a good fit for the project (cover letter), upload any supporting files, and answer any screening questions that the customer added to their project.

    1. A few tips for your cover letter:

      1. Your relevant experience 

      2. Reason for your bid price and timeline

    2. A few tips for your files:

      1. Photos of related projects

      2. Suggested materials details

  2. Pricing & Terms - In this step, you’re supplying the financial details of your bid. 

    1. For some projects, you may prefer to have a physical walk through of the project prior to nailing down your numbers. You can do this by toggling the “Do you want an in person visit?” switch into the on position. After your in-person visit, you can return to your bid, complete the financial portion below, and submit it. Please keep in mind that we provide various other mechanisms for collecting any additional information you may need to put together your bid, so please only use this option when it’s absolutely necessary.

    2. At the bottom of the page you’ll find the “How do you want to be paid?” input with two options: completion and milestones. A few things to consider when selecting an option:

      1. Completion - Select this option if you want to get paid upon the completion of the project. You also have the option of requiring a deposit prior to beginning the project. The one other field required for this option is the “Completion Time” in days. For the completion time, you want to be sure to supply an estimate that you are sure that you can hit being that this field is setting customer expectations and used by the customer to schedule around, when applicable.

      2. Milestones - Select this option if you want to get paid by milestone - or installments. You have the ability to require a deposit with this option as well. 

  3. Review - In this step, review all of the details from your bid and click the “Submit Bid” when you’re ready to send your bid to the customer.