To manage your active project, you first need to locate the project. You can find all of your active and inactive projects by clicking on the "Dashboard" navigation link in the header. Once on the "Dashboard" page, click on the "Active" tab and then locate the project in the list using the search field directly below the tabs. Once you've located the project, click on the "Manage" icon on the right-hand side of the project to go to the project management page. 

INFO: You can still view the public-facing overview that was visible prior to your bid being accepted by clicking on the name of the project on the same page that you clicked on the "Manage" icon.

Once on the project management page, you'll find a variety of different data and actions that you can use to manage your project. Let's walk through each of those. At the top of the page, you'll notice a timeline that shows all of the stages of your project in sequential order with the first stage being "Started" (activated after accepting a bid) and the last stage being "Completed." When a stage is complete, it will take on a darker color than the semi-transparent stages that have yet to be completed. You'll also notice that the start date of each stage is displayed directly below the timeline. 

Directly below the timeline you'll see a set of tabs that include "Earnings", "Messages", "Terms & Settings", and "Feedback" that enable you to manage various aspects of your project. The next few sections provide brief overviews of each of those tabs.


The earnings tab contains all financial and payment related details for the project. Along the top of this tab, you'll see a few key financial figures:

  • Project Cost - This is the amount that you proposed in your bid and the customer agreed to by making you an offer.
  • In Review - This is the amount that you have requested from the homeowner that they are currently reviewing.
  • In Process - This is the amount that the homeowner has released from escrow and is in process in the payment system
  • Paid Milestones - This the is amount that the homeowner has released for the project thus far.
  • Remaining - This is the sum of the remaining milestones that have not yet been completed.
  • Total Earnings - This is the total amount you are receiving for completing the job. This number may differ from the Project Cost if there were milestones added or altered once the project begun, refunds, or disputes.


This tab contains a chat room between you and the customer. You can also find this room on the main messaging page (i.e. clicking on the message icon in the header). 

Terms & Settings

This tab contains details on the project, as well as the "Project History," which is a log of all activities linked to the project. You'll also find two buttons inside the project overview: "Request Refund" and "End Contract". 


Once the project is completed or ends, you'll have 30 days to rate and provide feedback to the customer. This tab is where you'll find the form for providing feedback as well as where you'll find the customer's feedback to you. For additional details on how feedback works, read this article.